Saturday 12 November 2011

Port of Entry

As my week in Delhi comes to end, these days have shown such a variance in diversity.  From what I’ve seen, Delhi is a city of extremes. At times, the roads and landscape are so well manicured you forget you are even in a foreign country with the scenery seeming so familiar. Then all of sudden, you turn a corner and just as soon as your beginning to feel comfortable, you’re struck by a sudden and extreme shock that demonstrates your naivety in understanding of the realities around you.

One area that has made me feel especially naive has had to do with the bargaining and negotiation of money. Constantly having to go back and forth to try to get fair prices for rickshaws or goods has been an extremely daunting task. Even though I haven’t really had any experiences to prepare me for this, I do not seem to have a clue as to how to effectively go forth anywhere here without practically being ripped off or taken advantage of as the “typical” tourist – which is precisely how I have felt this week.

To be honest however, having a week of tourism, sight-seeing and consuming all the different attractions I can, has been a lovely way to adjust to all of the foreignness I am now immersed in and trying to understand in some sort of meaningful way. While it has had its ups and even the rare downs, this week has been a wonderful introduction to India. The people, the food, the sights, my accommodations and the fabulous company I’ve been fortunate enough to share these experiences with has all exceeded my expectations.

Looking forward to moving on to Ahmedabad in the Gujarat state today; from what I’ve heard, it’s quite different from Delhi and not a typical spot for tourists. Ahmedabad, supposedly being a far more "traditional" state, should provide many more shocking but amazing experiences!


  1. what a wonderful experience so far Kelly! I am learning so much!!

  2. Thanks L!! I'm glad you're getting something out of it! I'm still on the look out for some panda-clad items ;)
