Friday 25 November 2011

Two new blog posts!!

Please let me know what you think or would like to know!


  1. Hi Kelly
    I showed your blog to my friend from Houston who has just returned from India (work trip). She was interested in your perspective as a guest. She said in her experience, people do not seem to differentiate Canada and the USA. They see us as the same. She also mentioned that in spite of the local pay scale, they are starting to charge Companies from the USA and Canada a much higher rate for services charged than they charge the locals or other countries. (In other words, charging what the market will bear.). Do they view Canada as being able to bear the same market price given our vast population difference? Given the change in the USA economy in the last three years, has that view changed at all? What has been your experience with this?
    I hooe you are having fun, learning a lot and I am not making you crazy with my questions.

  2. Hi Kelly! I don't know if this will receive this or not but here goes. I've really been enjoying your photos and comments. It's so interesting to see a country that I haven't been to through your eyes and experiences. Don't worry about being ripped off as a typical tourist - when Dave was there he liked to bargin but would then give a good sized tip because they needed it more than he did. Take care. Love, Auntie Leona

  3. Hi Kelly
    Hope you are well. I have another question for you...
    In July of this year, Reuters announced that a hidden vault containing vast treasures was found under a Hindu temple located in Sree Padmanabhaswamy in Kerala. The founders were not sure of the total value of the treasure, but announced that the value of what they had catalogued at the time of the announcement was worth greater than 900 bn rupees (Reportedly, more than India's entire education budget.)
    How do the majority feel about this treasure and what do people think should happen to it with so many people living at or below poverty levels and not able to get adequate food, water and shelter, let alone an education,
    Just asking...

  4. Its so wonderful to hear from you Auntie Leona!! I'm really looking forward to talking to Uncle Dave when I get back and share our experiences with eachother! I'm sure it'll be completely different and relate-able now! :)

    Hope everything is well! Love you, K

  5. Hi Jan,

    I can kind of understand what your friend might have meant about Canada and the US not really being differentiated from each other. At times it certainly feels like we're all just lumped into the same "rich, white North American" category. I know that at tourist places there are different prices that you have to pay as an outsider that is considerably higher than what locals do so I can see how businesses would be doing this on a larger scale. I haven't personally had any experience with that yet. I'm also not to sure that the current state of the US economy is that significant to many of the people over here. The current economic state in the US and Canada did come up at one conversation but was received with blank looks so I'm to sure whether it is even a big deal.

    I'm going to have to look into the recently uncovered treasure you mentioned, this is my first time hearing of it so I have no idea what the common feelings are regarding its potential. I will try to find out more information and get back to you!
